My 2.5week old chicks have cocci, Nowhere's open, what can I give them til tomorrow? :(

Bantam Username

8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
Wiltshire, UK
I got up today to find blood poos all over the brooder and one chick looking hunched. They nearly all are pooping blood. They are just 2 and a half weeks old, have never been outdoors (I hatched them here) and are in a brooder in my kitchen. I've never cocci with any of my other chicks and I clean them out every few days or more often if needed as they are in my kitchen.
I have no one nearby who has any meds and all the shops are shut since its a Sunday.
I have given them some milk and put some sugar and some vinegar in their water, I've been searching online for hours trying to find information on what helps and thats all I can find.
Is there anything at all else that I can give them to help until I can get to the shops to get some meds tomorrow?
I'm new to chickens and honestly don't know, but from years in rescue work with other animals (and this is good for people too), I would say pedia lite if they have vomiting or diarrhea, as either throws off electrolytes. I know in dogs with viral diarrhea (parvo) fluid replacement is how you keep them alive. But I don't know about tackling the coccidia itself, sorry....someone will though.
Yes they can still get coccidiosis even though they haven't been outdoors as it can be carried in. One breeder on BYC stated she had that happen to her once.

I don't know what to tell you. I hope they can hold out until tomorrow and I hope they get well soon!

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