My 3 year old female duck has lost all her weight and cant walk straight anymore.


May 24, 2020
My duck cant walk and keeps wobbling everywhere and she has lost basically all her weight. She has been eating this entire time, her color isnt pale, and she is drinking but she cant walk and lost weight. I dont know what to do. Everyone else is fine and healthy but her. Her poop is normal brown solid and sometimes watery too. Everything is normal besides the weight and walking. Is she dying? I really love her and i cant call a vet because no one who takes poultry is open today.
I had a hen that did this. I’m no help, as she passed away the next day. How is your duck ?
She is still alive. She is still doing it but the only thing that i could find online is either a niacin deficiency or something like wry neck caused by a vitamin deficiency. She is still wobbling like a drunk sailor but her poop is very healthy and usually when mine are dying theirs are green and not eating among other things. Besides the mobility she is perfectly healthy. She did have a niacin deficiency when she was a baby and i had to bring her back from the brink of death then. Lets hope i can do it again
She is still alive. She is still doing it but the only thing that i could find online is either a niacin deficiency or something like wry neck caused by a vitamin deficiency. She is still wobbling like a drunk sailor but her poop is very healthy and usually when mine are dying theirs are green and not eating among other things. Besides the mobility she is perfectly healthy. She did have a niacin deficiency when she was a baby and i had to bring her back from the brink of death then. Lets hope i can do it again
Definitely start her back on durvet vitamin B complex 1 ml over smsll treat or by syringe
Try adding in nutritional yeast to feed again
I add it daily in my feed in winter and a few times a week in summer , fall and spring when they can forge
Hopefully it’s something you can fix

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