My 8 month old chicken stopped growing 7 weeks


Dec 8, 2021
In late July last year my chicken had some babies, they seemed to be fine until about seven weeks ago, one of the baby hens stopped growing. her mother and father are both normally sized birds I’m not sure what is causing this. of this batch, they all shared the same father (though had different mothers). The chicks who have him as a father for some reason all have problems such as progressive paralysis, the inability to use feet, and just straight up dying with out any signs of sickness. If any one has any idea of what is going on with my stunted chicken, please let me know🙂.

I do not have any recent photos of her yet, but I will get some as soon as possible.
Progressive paralysis when the chicken is otherwise behaving normally is a symptom of an avian virus, probably lymphoid leucosis. See if my thread here rings any alarm bells. I have this virus in my flock, and not too long ago, lost three pullets to it.

Most embryos in eggs from a flock with lymphoid leucosis will be dead before they can hatch. The few who make it full term, often die before age one year. The virus is passed from rooster to hen during mating, then passed to the embryo in the egg by the hen who laid it. Further transmission of the virus occurs during brooding as a broody hen covers the chicks and sheds her viral load onto the chicks.

This latter means of infection is how some store bought chicks of mine became infected and died. The only way to confirm if you have this virus in your flock is to send the next chicken that dies to an animal testing lab for a necropsy. This is how I confirmed it was avian leucosis that killed my three pullets.

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