My Babies are growing up..(several pics)


9 Years
Jan 13, 2011
Baldwinsville NY
Gosh..It seems like yesterday I came on here to research and learn about chickens and now they are half grown! Geeze..I barely posted any pics of them when they were tiny..But anyway I have them in their coop now they are 5 weeks..I am also trying to start ID'ing any young lads I might have :) My babies consist of Lavender Orps, FCM, Olive Eggers, BLR Wyan. Ameracauna, (I hatched those) and then 2 little survivors from MPC
a little runty Wellie and a Australorp) also 6 Tractor Supply gals 3 amberlinks, 3 Red somethings..
I adore each and every one..They make me laugh! I could be in there all day with them..SO, Thought I'd share some new pics. Also if any one happens to see a little boy while looking at the pics..feel free to break my heart, LOL! Just kidding..






I love that stage of raising chicks! The teenager stage is always a fun one.

Cute chicks! I see several roosters in your bunch too.
Aaaaaaawwwwwwwww! They are so adorable and sweet looking. I am a photographer, but since getting my chicks my whole family has had one health crises after another, and I have hardly any pictures of my flock. All those feathers and they still have a heat lamp?
Hmmm Yeah I think I know at least one of the Lavenders, because his comb looks redder, legs thicker than other three..the BLR I'm having a hard time..And I am suspicious of the Maran in the second to last pic
My brother is laughing at me big time right now as a year ago, when he got chicks, I swore I would NEVER have chickens! LOL We currently have 24 and we are waiting to see who we are going to keep as they are straight run! LOL.....I have changed my mind completely and I absolutely LOVE our chicks and watching them grow has been sheer joy!!! LOL
Well those heat lamps were very high up and the brooder was huge, 6x5 ft x 4 ft high and believe it or not they were still huddled at times under the lamp..I was constantly readjusting the height of the lamps as I was worried it would be too warm..But I used their behavor to see where they were gathering and when I removed them or turned one off they huddled..
It's cold where I live, and they were in the garage..But The lamps are done now..So Enough I told em!!
Haaa I know exactly how you feel..I am so in love with them! I don't know what I am going to do when the boys start showing themselves..I am trying not to get attached, as I will need to re/home sell the boys..I have 25 currently It is a joy!!
Haaa I know exactly how you feel..I am so in love with them! I don't know what I am going to do when the boys start showing themselves..I am trying not to get attached, as I will need to re/home sell the boys..I have 25 currently It is a joy!!

Right there with you! We are trying to not get attached for the same kids and I already have some favorites! Time will tell! Good luck with yours.....sending hen vibes your way too!!!!

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