My baby BLRWs

Thank you thank you! I can't wait until they grow up... Blisschicks birds are so beautiful so I'm sure little Nugget will be pretty as can be. And Hotwing's momma and dad aren't too bad themselves!

I'm so happy because now, instead of trying to hide under each other, they watch me and listen to me talk.
Thanks for posting that pic Carrie!! Soooooo cute!! I can't wait. I'm getting 4 BLRW with my order and I'm really looking forward to them the most. (should have gotten more of them!) I hope I get girls...4 out of a straight run...I'll probably end up with all roosters. :|

So, I'm with you...Please be hens, please be hens, please be hens....
there so cute thx emchick for asking my question
i luv mi lil chickie she's 19 days (2 weeks and 5 days)
she's growing and nests in my hair
is that normal?
she follows me everywhere
will she grow out of it?
Can i take her for a walk?

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