My broody hen took another egg!


May 12, 2022
I have a broody golden sebright x light brahma bantam cross. She’s a tiny little hen and she’s been laying on 5 eggs for about four days. But today, someone layed an egg in her nesting box and she took it. And since I had an egg I really wanted to hatch and she had already taken the one from this other hen, I decided to try and give it to her and she took it and was able to sit on it. So now I have this tiny broody hen sitting on seven eggs! I have no idea how she’s doing it, lol.

The eggs she’s currently sitting on are one of her own, one from my gray silkie’s, two from my easter egger x black silkie bantam cross, 2 from a white leghorn, and one from an easter egger. The possible dads are a light brahma bantam, an easter egger, an easter egger cinnamon queen cross, a white frizzle cochin bantam, and possibly a silver sebright x brahma bantam who is recently no longer with us. I’m excited to see how the chicks that hatch turn out! (and what color eggs some of the possible hens will lay!)
Most hens leave the nest within 24 to 36 hours after the first chick hatches. It's natures way of assuring that the chicks find feed. Fire up that incubator.
I have a broody golden sebright x light brahma bantam cross. She’s a tiny little hen and she’s been laying on 5 eggs for about four days. But today, someone layed an egg in her nesting box and she took it. And since I had an egg I really wanted to hatch and she had already taken the one from this other hen, I decided to try and give it to her and she took it and was able to sit on it. So now I have this tiny broody hen sitting on seven eggs! I have no idea how she’s doing it, lol.

The eggs she’s currently sitting on are one of her own, one from my gray silkie’s, two from my easter egger x black silkie bantam cross, 2 from a white leghorn, and one from an easter egger. The possible dads are a light brahma bantam, an easter egger, an easter egger cinnamon queen cross, a white frizzle cochin bantam, and possibly a silver sebright x brahma bantam who is recently no longer with us. I’m excited to see how the chicks that hatch turn out! (and what color eggs some of the possible hens will lay!)
I had a successful staggered hatch ☺️, incubator to the rescue!

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