My BYC page = NEED HELP!


Cheesy Doodle Head
11 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Northern Ca
I just discovered the BYC page tool. I looked at the how to edit instructions, but they didn't help. So i have some questions.

1. What is the page for?

2. How do you save it when your done?

3. Is there anyway to leave that page without going to the adress bar?

4. What is it? i.e. blog, informal, random anything.

P.S. sorry i couldn't find a good topic to put it in in the index, random rambling was as close as it gets.

Thank You!
Can anyone help me?
Not sure how much I can help but I will try. Your BYC page can be what you want it for. My page is about the chickens I have and I post pictures of chickens I get and pens I have built. When you save it there is a tab or button at the bottom to save your changes. I have seen other peoples pages that tell types of birds they are selling with pictures and others just have writing on there. For those that have pages you will see it listed under there screen names. If you click on it you will see their page. Hope that helps a little.
Ok here is what I know. 1. and 4. The page is to let people know a little bit about you. It is pretty much like a website or a blog. 2. To save the page, go to the very top left corner of the page. There will be a little blue folder thing there and when you click it it will save. 3. I don't think so sadly. There might be, but I don't know of one.

Hope this helps! PM me for more information about it.
You can make your page about anything you want. Usually, people make it about themselves and their chickens. You can have more than one page, so sometimes, people will make one about their farm, then one about their chickens, then one about how they built their chicken coop, or another one about a topic related to chickens (like a breed they're interested in). It's really up to you.

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