My campine is laying soft shelled eggs, Why???


6 Years
May 24, 2013
My Golden Campine is 11 months old and has been laying large beautiful eggs until 2 weeks ago, they started coming out soft shelled, now she stays on the nest box and lays nothing, she doesn't show any symptoms of being egg bound and she eats and drinks only once a day. Could she be broody? I know campines aren't known for being broody but she's not quite a year. I have always had oyster shell and recently started giving them their own shells back, I have also given her a liquid vitamin D supplement, is there anything I'm missing?
Does she have any eggs under her at the moment? Does she look depressed/sick? Examine her droppings. If they are watery, green or bloody she may be sick. Does she 'fluff' up her feathers or hiss if you try to touch her?
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If she's broody, she will most likely puff up and "growl" a little bit when you try to touch her on the nest box. If she doesn't do either, then I'd say she's most likely NOT broody.
I'm not saying your bird is going through this, but chickens (at any age) can develop egg tract issues, some minor that works themselves out, and some serious. It sounds as if you've done the basics of what's generally recommended, with oyster shell and egg shell (and vitamins). Does she eat layer feed? Doesn't get too many treats such as scratch, etc.??
She makes sounds and fluffs up, I've never had a broody lay soft shelled eggs leading up to nesting, I did put golf balls under her to deter her from rotating boxes and hoarding eggs, in case she was broody. Her poop is normal and if I remove her from the nest she will forage for a bit but ends up back on her nest. I only give 2 handfuls of corn for a flock of 23 so I can't imagine she's getting too much, 2 of my handfuls is probably just over a cup total. I only do treats 3 times a week because they have an entire pasture to themselves. I guess time will tell, thanks for your input, I suppose because campines aren't really known for being broody, I feared the worst. If it is an egg tract issue I can only hope it will pass.

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