My chick died -how do I clean up if contagious?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 11, 2009
Newbury Park, CA
Yesterday I posted a concern about my 3 month old chick. I didn't hear from anyone. This morning she was dead in the coop. I don't know if it was Marek's disease and whether or not the other chick or chickens will get it. I don't know how I should clean the coop to get rid of any contagious feathers, etc. I wrapped her in a plastic bag and placed her in the trash. She was limping yesterday and not eating. She looked sort of puffed up and funny looking. For the last week she was stretching out her neck as if try to breathe but not making any sounds. I have read all the links and info on the disease but I don't know what to do or how she caught it . The two chicks were separated from the others. They were not vaccinated at the feed store I got them from. I am not sure what to do next. I don't want the other baby to get it. No signs yet.
I am sorry no one answered your first post!

Although I have not used them myself someone recommended Vircon-S, oxine and novalsan as good disinfectants.

I had called around and one of ours verts used one of the products and was willing to sell me a small amount.

I hope this helps.
I had a pullet die at about the same age doing the same thing. I think it has something to do with respitory infection. None of my other chicks caught it or anything and I guess I'm a bad mom. I didnt do all the things your doing. Good Job
I mist Oxine throughout my coops. I mist it over their heads so they can breathe it. It kills several different things. Do not put activator with it though. Just mix it in with tap water.

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