my chick is chirping a lot!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 2, 2012
Pierson, FL
she is the tiniest baby, but she is 10 days old, approx 2 days older than her siblings the bcm's. yet all she wants to do is chirp and crawl up under everyone. she has a sibling not much larger but with so much more spunk and less babiness.... is she going to be ok?
Is she cold? Chirping and wanting to squash up with everyone else can sometimes mean it's feeling cold. Perhaps you could lower the heat lamp a little. But still leave somewhere cooler that the other chicks can go if they get too warm.
All chickens have different personalities though. Some are naturally more 'tough' than others!
i wanted to thank you for your post. so far i have lost two small, white silkie chicks. i find that they seem to be more timid and meek. i have a black and a partridge silkie chicks and they both are more astoot and seem very active, where as my last white one who appears healthy and happy does just like the other two did and sits around. it eats, drinks, and does run around a little but nothing like the other two. i wonder if its the breed? color? not sure? any thoughts? so far so good with the 3rd little white one.... wish me luck!

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