My chick is finding it difficult to walk!?


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2021
hi all!
i’ve just had a not as successful hatch as usual so we bought some more chicks to go with the ones that hatched.
we got this gorgeous buff polish however as soon as we got her to the car we noticed that she was finding it really hard to gain her balance and to walk without falling over.
i originally just thought it was a splayed leg so i’ve had a bandaid splint on her the last couple of days but i’m beginning to think it’s something else however i’ve never really seen anything like it in my hatches.
she has also fallen on her back a couple times so i’ve helped her back onto her feet however she seems to just fling herself back onto her back. she also seems to be staying a lot closer to the ground than the rest of the chicks for some reason too. (i’m pretty sure she is drinking and eating okay as well)

can anyone help me with this??
thank you so much 😊

ps. she is middle chick in the photo 🐥


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Aren't they all just sweet!

Hopefully this little one will improve with some vitamin therapy.
I would give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex and 400IU Vitamin E daily. Egg is beneficial for the uptake of E, so give the chicks a little mashed up scrambled eggs.

B2(Riboflavin) is helpful for leg issues - the easiest way to get this is with human B-Complex. I just dissolve the 1/4 tablet in a small amount of water, then syringe (drop by drop) the water into the chick. This can be done over the course of a day, depending on how much water is used to dissolve the tablet.
Vitamin E is helpful with neurological problems. The falling on her back is concerning, but hopefully this will help.
Polish with a crest can suffer neurological symptoms with just a little bump on the head, but it's possible she may have something else going on.

Let us know how she gets along.
Aren't they all just sweet!

Hopefully this little one will improve with some vitamin therapy.
I would give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex and 400IU Vitamin E daily. Egg is beneficial for the uptake of E, so give the chicks a little mashed up scrambled eggs.

B2(Riboflavin) is helpful for leg issues - the easiest way to get this is with human B-Complex. I just dissolve the 1/4 tablet in a small amount of water, then syringe (drop by drop) the water into the chick. This can be done over the course of a day, depending on how much water is used to dissolve the tablet.
Vitamin E is helpful with neurological problems. The falling on her back is concerning, but hopefully this will help.
Polish with a crest can suffer neurological symptoms with just a little bump on the head, but it's possible she may have something else going on.

Let us know how she gets along.
thank you so so much! this is absolutely amazing help!!
i’ll definitely give her some egg and hope that helps and then i’ll see if i can find some of that B2 nearby!
thank you so much again, absolute life saver 🙌🙌

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