My chickens are beggars!


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2015
These chickens just make us laugh so much. They are horrible beggars. Anytime we let them out to free range they first come right over to us to see west we might have for them. We can't eat or drink anything near them because they beg for whatever we have. My son attempted to eat some cookies down near where the chickens were but was immediately surrounded by a flock of beggars oops I mean chickens :p
Our chickens are a little more forward than just begging. They will fly up on your lap to check out what they might pilfer. Odious hens! Begone!
Well, people who visit think it is cute.
Don't feel bad , my 4 barred rocks will compete with my black lab to see who gets the first dropped crumb on the patio whenever we eat out back.
Usually the birds beat out the dog 4 to 1 .
If they are free ranging when we bring food out to the table they along with their buddy our dog gather under the table.
We try not to feed them directly to keep their expectations low but sometimes spills happen. Haha :D

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