My chickens is eating feathers off the ground


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
What should I do? She's an isa brown. Is she short on protein? She's getting 17% layer. I'm about to introduce her into another flock and I don't want her to attack and eat all their feathers.

She's made her other 2 pen mates bald in some places. What now?
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i have found that its very very normal they tend to stop eating feathers after they mature a lil if they are pecking that could be another issue but if its just off the floor dont worry
I have that problem too my hen that's a SLW will sneak up behind and pluck the vent feathers off and eat them I heard its caused by Boredom as well as a
Protein loss she has stopped doing it as much as she did but still does it mostly to the younger ones :/
I don't wanna scare you, but we had a hen that did the same thing. We tried everything! Separation, isolation, game bird mix... Nothing. She just kept pecking the other hens bald. To make a long story short... We hadmtonprocess her. The other hens got their feathers back... But ever since we took "your highness" out of the flock, the other chickens haven't laid a single egg. That was probably about 3 months ago!

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