My Chickies Hate Me!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
I got them a week ago (3/26/2010) & they are in a rubbermaid tub & I see them twice a day, add food, change medicated water, clean out poopy shavings & hold each one (theres 5) for a few min & love on them. everyday they peep & run away when I go to pick them up... one is bigger than the rest & i think shes turning the rest against me.. LOL! How do i make them not peep & run away...
You just have to handle them I guess!! That's what I've read but I don't have the kind of time that I think that it would take to make these little things even remotely willing to not screech and stomp all over each other to get in the corner whenI come near!!
Mine do the same thing.. My big ones and my little ones!! Treats are a good incentive to try!! Good luck!!

my chicklets do the same thing, but I pick them up anyway, & inform them that they are not being killed. The only time they come to m e is when its time to go night-night.
lol, dont take the running away to heart. Mine did that when I first got them, but after a while they will calm down. Forget about them running away and grab one and hold them.

One of my favorite momories of my chicks was when I would be holding them and they would fall to sleep in my hands
It always made me feel like a proud mama chicken

Anyway, just spend as much time as you can with them, they love you
Mine do the same thing. Usually around 4-6 weeks I notice that they realize I am the one that is feeding them and bringing them treats. For me, that is the time I get to see who likes affection and who really could care less.

Don't be sad. It just happens.
Mine do that, they are almost two weeks and they would do anything to get away from me when I try to pick them up and then when I do thy start shaking, I think they are scared but dont worry they will grow to like you
At about two weeks, I started feeding treats from my hand, rather than just putting them in the brooder. It took maybe two rounds of this - I filled my hand with treats, and just rested it in the brooder. They would eat from my hand, and then climp up onto my hand and wrist. After that, when I slowly lower my hand in, they come running to me, rather than running away. Most of the time, I can then lift them underneath and scoop them up for a cuddle. There are a couple that genuinely seem to like our company, but the rest...pah!
There is no way your chickies could hate you. Chickies are full of love not hate. Just pick them up and cuddle them, Talk to them, hand feed them. They are so full of love.

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