My chicks hate me...*cries*


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Philly, PA
Well they don't exactly HATE me, but they really don't like being handled at all.
I tried several of the treats thing too.
Not into it.

They won't run from us if we are just sitting there, but they won't sit in our laps or hop on us, don't like being held and don't like being pet much either.
When I take them out of the brooder I have to corner them to catch them and pull them out and the poor things chirp like their going to the gallows. They seem terrified, I can feel their little heartbeats quicken instantly.

They will get close to us when we are sitting on the floor with them while they are exploring my bedroom, but that's about all the interaction they want from us.

Do you think they will EVER warm up to us?
I thought the exact same thing and posted a similar post a ocuple weeks ago. Now though, at least one of the four loves me and hops up on my hand and walks to my shoulder. The others aren't as scared as they were either.

I'm becoming quite attached to them now. Give it time!
Well when your avitor has a sith lord on it, that can be intemidating... J/K

Realy just give them time and keep trying the treats and just simply handling them. Also do not put them down when they are fussing wait until they are calm. That way they don't learn the fussing and carring on gets them put down.
My mother and I have a chicken book. DUrring my free time in school I read it so I learn more about our chicks. <3

In the book it says that chicks are skiddish but they warm up if you spend at least ten minutes a day with them. We've been doing that since Saturday and I have to say our chicks are warming up.

Our cute brown one, Truffles will let you pick her up and give her a kiss on the head. Queen will chirp loudly at first but settle down and when I put my hand in she'll hop on it sometimes! China's still skiddish but she's very small and we make sure to handle her a lot.

I know that they seem scared but chicks, from what I've learned and read, are just like...Small children in a new home. You know how children go to one area and around strangers they'll be shy and try to run off? Well, that's how chicks are. It's not because they're scared, I think that it's just because they're not used to strangers yet.

Give your chicks some time. Make sure to give them a lot of love and attention and I'm sure you'll have friendly, happy chicks on your hands in no time.
Thanks guys.
Lipkis, that sounds like a great book. May I ask the title?
I spend on average about an hour a day with them. Sometimes two if I can spare it. Usually in the evening after dinner.
During the day I homeschool and fly around trying to run a house FULL of animals and kids. lol.
I hope this is enough to get them acclimated to us.
MoonGoddess I know how you feel. :aww

My chicks are the same way. The first week I had them I didn't handle them much(there were so many of them) and they would pile and freak. Now they are three weeks old.The extras went to their permenent homes and I have my four.

I have taken them out every day for the last 5 days and I started giving them treats whenever I take them out. They are slowly warming up to me.

I tried grapes, grass, hard boiled eggs and yogurt. (Each on a different day of course)They loved the plain yogurt. If I have yogurt they will eat it off of my hand. Only two will jump on me to get at the treat. The other two are still to chicken;). The hate to be picked up though.

Just go slow. And remember chicks are walking snack food in the animal kingdom. If they weren't skiddish they would never reach adult hood.
I can't remember the title. We have two though. All the books I've seen state simmilar things though which is good. Try Borders if you have one near you. But if you need help websits are good too. I know they have a small thing on chicken behavior and such on wikipedia.

I hope that I helped out a little. :3

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