My Daughter Made this ! :)


6 Years
May 30, 2013
Southern Louisiana
We received our Cackle Hatchery Surprise on 6/19/13. All 51 of them (including 3 Blue Slate Turkeys) are alive and thriving well. My daughter is 9 and she is acting like a mother hen to all of them, talking to them, making sure they have clean bedding, clean water and fresh food. She is on top of everything before I get a chance too. lol Well she decided to make this and wants to do it for each kind of chick we have. She loves to work with paper.

I think it came out really cute.
She looks at creation videos and she loves to work with paper. She has a 30gal bag full of her previous creations. She also loves to draw and paint. She took after me. I draw and paint on children rooms. The parents tell me what they want and how they want it, or they want a surprise for their children. Once its completed the children feel like they have walked into their own unique world. My daughter comes with me to help now and then.
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That's really awesome!! She certainly has your artistic genes!! You tell your daughter that my children, Tara 12, and Madeline 9, both loved her creation. My daughter Tara said she should set up an Etsy account and sell her creations for profit! With a 30 gallon bag full, she has plenty of inventory!!


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She said Thank You Very Much. She has a smile from ear to ear and giggling. I will definitely look into the Etsy account for her. She can start saving for her collage funds lmao.
If you do set up and Etsy account, be sure to pm me, because Tara and Madeline would like to check out her store. And to put a face to a name, you can see Tara and Madeline here. They also love their chickens very, VERY much! They play with them all the time.
That's really cute! Did she work from some sort of pattern? My 10 year old is into chickens and paper craft so would love making something like this.

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