My Dog Killed My Chick. What Should I do About It?


Dec 14, 2015
So my dad's dog killed one of our chicks. I "spanked" her but I don't really want to spank my dog. This has happened before on several occasions. Any suggestions??? Thanks!
How difficult would it be to keep the dog away from the chickens? It sounds as if she has killed before and will kill again given the chance.
I agree with Sourland. If this has happened on several occasions, you need to keep the dog separated from the chicks. Period. "Spanking" the dog clearly hasn't been effective. Keep your chicks away from the dog, and maybe do some research on training the dog to leave them alone.
Well, there are three chicks that just free range. My dad doesn't believe in penning up dogs, and since we live in the country, they "free range" too! She actually hasn't killed anything in almost a year, and I was getting excited! The last one she killed was our Polish rooster Pickles, but who can blame Lucy for killing a Polish? Seriously it is just a slow, half blind, dumb (sorry I'm not exactly a fan of Polish) chicken with a flag on top of his head, that says "eat me eat me." Anyway thanks for the suggestions!

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