My duck has twisted leg for 3 months how do i fix it

Aug 21, 2020
Hi i have acurretly juvnile duck she has twisted legs and i have been trying too fix it ever since she was ducklings but all me first aid kits dont work on her how do i fix her legs help she is my sweet duck how do i help her at home pls tell me. Il tell to the story of her leg i ws inside free ranging my baby ducklings thinking they will be fine but a hawk grabbed her by her legs and let her go and her lwas twisted i thought it was broken but it was not i put a feet cast on her i thought she had bubble feet but she didnt i tried to make boot for her but i found out her feet were twisted so i could not turn her feet straight what should i do shes also outside with the other duck my mom suggested maby that will help her walk what do we do her feet are twisted. )::(

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