My ducklings keep needing assistance, because they don’t have an egg tooth. Why??


May 7, 2022
Central TX
Hello BYC :frow

So, I’ve been doing a staggered hatch over the past couple weeks, and during that time, I’ve had 7 eggs make it to lockdown. Out of the 7 eggs, 3 of them have had NO egg tooth. One of them didn’t make it, because they covered the safety hole I put in and couldn’t pip a new hole. Luckily, I was able to rescue the other 2.

I have 6 more eggs that are getting ready to go into lockdown. I will gladly keep doing safety holes + assisting, but I really don’t want to lose any more babies.

Why do so many not have an egg tooth? Is it something I could prevent in the future? Any info would be amazing :fl
Are the eggs all from the same source, if so it may be bad genetics.
Yes, they’re from my Khaki x Buff hen and my Crested Pekin drake.

I considered it may be a genetic thing… I hatched 40 ducklings in the past, same incubator, different parents, and they all hatched just fine.

That’s unfortunate if so :hmm

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