My ducks are grow up!!!


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
Some time ago, i post a thread called "Meet my ducks! :) " But Zooweemama said they were malnourished, but finally i get balanced food for ducks, and they are growing up, Daisy (The female pekin) is an adult now, and Clementine have the size of an adult, but she only moved half of its feathers. Here are some photos:

Tell me what you think
They look healthy to me. although one seems a little thin but its ok make sure you have pellets or whatever there regular diet is avaliable all the time and if they become a little underweight dont be arafid to give them high calorie foods but dont over do it. my ducks have a diet of pelletes some vegetables and mealworms when there good. they seem to do fine by that. there rouens so nautrally bigger than yours but as i said they look pretty healthy to me :D
They're so pretty! I'm glad you were able to find a balanced food so that they can be healthy and happy. You seem to really care about your ducks, and that's heartwarming.
Looking so much better Lily. Keep up the good work. Make sure that they get as much to eat as they want right ok? They are looking really good! A few more weeks and I won't recognize them!

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