My Ducks Laying YAY - Have some questions..

1 of the mothers is a runner... She has stayed on her nest for a week now.. so we shall see what happens.. the other 2 are mascoves.

How long for a duck egg to hatch?
It is possible that your runner will see her brood through, but it is more likely she will stay a while and then leave. If that happens, I'd try tucking her eggs in with the others, or if you want a hands-on experience incubate them yourself. It is exciting and addicting, but also can be nerve-wracking. If you incubate yourself, you will find lots and lots of good advice in this forum. Good luck with that runner!

It takes something like 28 days. I think it depends upon the species of duck.
I dont have an incubator.. Yet.. Still wanting to get one.. just have other things i need to do for them before I get one. If i see her move - i will try putting them under my 2 other girls.

Weird Note?: My Moscoves are sharing a nest... is that normal.. And I mean they pushed the hay around so they can sit side by side and lay on their eggs.. (under the large troff freeder i have for the chickens!).
I had two chickens squeeze themselves into the nesting box and set on a whopping two eggs! They successfully hatched them and were great co-parents.

I've since heard of this happening with other chickens, but not ducks...but they're all fowl now aren't they!

Ive been looking thru the Duck posts and just had to say that my mumma duck is due this weekend and she gets off when I run some water into her mud puddle, the drake gets excited and lets her know that the puddle is filling up!
She has a paddle in the mud, then a rinse off in the pool, then she eats and goes back to the nest!
Thats one way to make sure she eats!though mother nature knows best, she will eat when she wants to!

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