My EE hen suddenly died; diagnosis needed urgently!


9 Years
Sep 13, 2010
Suprise, Arizona
I have a problem with a deadly disease going around. I don't know what it is or how to treat it. All that I know is the wild dove population has it and some infected birds found a hole to get into my coop by. I lost my EE to the same thing that I witnessed a few wild doves die to.

The symptoms are drooping wings, reduced desire to eat, then lethargy, and lastly, sudden death the next day. I saw her panting and heaving heavily yesterday but I assumed it was the heat because my Silkie was panting pretty hard too. I mis-diagnosed the problem and now the EE is dead. I found her laying stiff with her legs behind her, eyes and mouth closed, dead. Just like the doves.

Now I'm left wondering what is this highly contagious disease? How do I prevent it, besides securing the coop of holes that the doves are getting in through?
I've spoken with a bird rehabilitator that I know, because she has avian veteranary experience. She claims that it's either heat exhaustion or possibly egg binding. She was sweet enough to offer an autopsy, so I'll keep you all posted on what she finds.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Please keep us posted on the results of the necropsy.

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