My eggs are fertilized!!!


Mar 14, 2015
I was scrambling up some eggs for dinner, and I noticed that every single one was fertilized! I don't think I can share this news with anyone else, they would think it is a weird thing to be excited about. :). My 4 ducks are over a year old, and my drakes are 4 months old. I am just so proud of my boys ;)

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So does this mean we can look forward to some duckling news before long? (Cute picture of you DS, looks like a commercial for eggs!)
So does this mean we can look forward to some duckling news before long? (Cute picture of you DS, looks like a commercial for eggs!)

I would love to, but my husband would kill me! Originally, I wanted two ducks.... Right now there is six, and I would love to hatch a batch! The girls have been building nests this week, and have started sitting on their eggs for the first time. I will be out of town all week, and my husband will be taking care of them while I am gone. He isn't as observant as me, and I'm afraid one of my Welshie's will have a hidden nest by the time I get back. She has been hiding in the raspberries the last couple of days, and I think she is up to something ;)

I guess if they start brooding a nest under his watch, there's nothing I can do, right? :)

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