My Emu Incubating Thread (First time incubating Anything in my life)

Good evening, well after almost 3 weeks, my 2 babys died... can't tell what happen, some said they drank to much water and kind of drown... that's the most revelant explanation. We had a real warm period with humidex of +35 degrees C, and in fact I realize that they were drinking like crazy. Astridd, I haven't heard of you lately, hope yours are doing fine...

Roch that's so tragic! I'm really sorry to read this ! (not sure how I didn't see this earlier, sorry.)

Were they outside the whole time? I've never heard of them over drinking but I guess it could happen. No matter what happened, I'm really sorry. I know it must be so difficult, especially after the long time it takes to incubate, hatch and raise them. :(

My babies are all doing well. Their outside pen is not done yet, so during the night they stay inside in the spare room, and during the day when I'm home I shoo them outside in the covered outdoor area and they enjoy the sun. We've also been having a very long heat wave and very little rain, so it's good weather for them. I usually spray them with the hose to wet them as they appear hot (beaks open) sometimes. They really enjoy being misted down:)

I posted pictures in a separate thread on here.

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