My first egg!!


12 Years
Oct 25, 2011
West Coast, BC
I'm so excited!! My hens have finally started laying. OK...well, one of them anyhow
I started 6 months ago with 5 chicks and ended up with 4 roosters. After finding new homes for the roosters I started over with 6 new pullets last week to keep my lonely last white hen company and today at lunch time i found my first egg

I'm learning so much from all of the posts I'm reading. The next thing I'm going to do is fix the nesting boxes to divide the one big one into 3 smaller ones. From what I see and read here most coops have nice cozy boxes.
Any tips on how to get the hens to lay in the nesting boxes? Do those ceramic eggs work if lay some in the boxes?
Congratulations!! It is so exciting, isn't it? We put golf balls in our nest boxes, and the first one went right in to lay. Hubs took the golf balls out and I found an egg on the coop floor next to the nest box. So I got some wooden eggs to put in there and they have all been laying in the nest boxes. One of my chickens is a comedian though and takes the wooden egg out of the nest box. I found it outside in the run yesterday. LOL... I guess this is like that old expression about don't take any wooden nickels.
It's funny, before I got my peeps I never knew how comical they were
Boyfriend tells me I'm crazy but I swear they each have their own personality!
I love watching my chickens and have 30 gazillion photos to prove it!
I used ceramic eggs in my nesting boxes - and they worked great. I only have one hen that has ever laid anywhere but in the nest boxes, and she only does it if I happen to open the nest box while she's in there. Then she'll jump up and end up laying it in the run. So she's trained me to make sure she isn't on the nest before opening up the top of the nest box.

Congratulations on your first eggs! It's such an exciting event!

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