My first hatch-a-long! And they're ducks!!!

@kurby22 I just read your Eevee's post! I am so sorry. Did your other chickens survive?
Aww thanks. It made for a very sad Christmas Day :-( We lost one more on New Years Day, and another one in February but she died from a prolapsed vent. The rest of the fowl pox chickens survived! Chickens are hard to love because so much can go wrong, but I love them soooo much! 😍
Aww thanks. It made for a very sad Christmas Day :-( We lost one more on New Years Day, and another one in February but she died from a prolapsed vent. The rest of the fowl pox chickens survived! Chickens are hard to love because so much can go wrong, but I love them soooo much! 😍
I agree! I am sorry it happened so close to christmas.

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