My first Mandarin ducklings

4-H chicken mom

15 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH
I would like to introduce to you my first Mandarin ducklings that I hatched from start to finish. I have hatched other Mandarins but only after mom has done all the work. This is the first ones that made it all the way to the end. This is the third time I have tried to hatch them myself but they always died about halfway through. I started with seven but only four made it to lockdown. One hatched yesterday and I prayed that at least one more would hatch, and it finally hatched today and is doing good. Third one is pipped, and the fourth one I'm not sure about.

I had the same thing i started with seven and by the time they were ready for pipping i had only four sadly though i lost 2 as they were zipping for some reason and 2 hatched out the first one to hatch died a few days later and now i have only one mandarin left but doing very well.
I stole my hen's after they hatched. I have never had mandarin ducklings before....I am feeding the Dumor chick starter (non medicated) for ducks, chicks and whatever else. Hopefully this is ok. They are very shy but clearly play in the water when I'm not watching (messy little boogers). So far so good but this is only day 3 out of the nest....any insight would be appreciated :)))

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