My first try at a Tractor

Glad I could help. I started with an idea and developed it from there. I have learned that it is easier to wait for them to go to bed in the evening and then try to move it. They are a little young yet to let them free range, so they stay closed in. I am getting ready to go outside and add some more ventilation and the chicken wire to the plastic mesh that is on there now.
Just so everyone knows, I have added the wire to the tractor, but did it in such a way that it does not look any different. I took the trim boards off that hold down the ends of the green plastic, and added the chicken wire over the plastic mesh, stapled it down good and tight, added some zip ties to the open areas so they stay tight together and put the trim boards back on. I even left a 6 inch skirt of chicken wire that comes out at the bottom to discourage digging. does everyone feel better about it now? Actually I do too. I am still looking for some decorations, tin signs and such to add to it. I do appreciate the praises and feedback from everyone. This will hopefully help me avoid another incident of opposums getting into my birds again (or any other critter that wants to make a meal out of my birds).
I'm so glad you got that wire added. You got that done really fast, too! I'm impressed!
Thanks, I do feel a little better having done that too. The folks on here have good advice and I have learned to listen to them when I ask for input on anything. At first I thought, ahhh it will be fine. But I thought that about leaving the coop door open too, and ended up losing 8 birds to predators, then I wised. Thanks to Everyone who replied.
Looks good.
How do you move it? lift it from the front and the wheels in the back hit the ground?
Actually the wheels are on the ground at all times. They are about3/4 lower than the bottom of the coop. and I do pick it up from the front end and it rolls easily. If I were to do it again, and I may make this adjustment at some time. I would attach a 4x4 to the back end ( the coop end) as and attach the wheels to it that way I would not have to have the wheels on the ground at all times. I do occassionally hang up on a clump of dirt or high spot in the yard, but if I tip it a little higher and give it a hard push I have been able to get it moving everytime so far. The chickens just don't like that much. In case you did not read through all the posts, there is a 2 inch gap between the door frame and the door, the 1x6 that comes down is what I use to lift the tractor, but I am considering adding handles that run just under the roof of the run area and stick out like a wheel barrow.
Well, a good bit of it was recycled, and the rest I did not pay attention to how much I spent and bought it little by little. If I had to add it up I would guess about $80.00 for what I had to buy. If you know anyone who is doing any construction projects and can spare some lumber, roofing materials, etc. that could cut your expenses.
I am in the process of building my first tractor, as well. Mine will be much simpler...seeing your makes me think I should spruce mine up! How many birds to you keep in yours and what are the dimensions?



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