My flock's first egg!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 31, 2011
On August 28, 2011.....I found my first egg in one of the nest boxes. We were expected to get hit pretty hard for the hurricane so I put stocks of food and water in the coop and didn't let them out of the coop the day of the hurricane. When I went out there bright and early the next morning, the egg was there. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself as this day has been a long time coming. My daughter ate it. We poked holes and blew out the contents so we could save our first egg shell. The number of eggs we get per day is up to 7 now. We got 1 each day for 3 days then 2 for 3 days then 4 for 2 days and 6 for 3 days now 7 is the lucky number! I have 18 chickens and I still have 9 that are not laying. All my americaunas are not yet laying. I am so excited about our perfectly formed eggs as I was told to expect less than perfection at first by having them with no shell or partial shell. So far they are perfect. I attribute the perfectly formed eggs to perfectly happy ladies! They get lots of yummy and delicious things to eat every day(at least they seem to think so). There new favorite thing to eat is brown rice and mashed bananas with a sprinkling of mealworms....AND THEY ARE SOOOOOO LOUD when they lay!
Congratulations i am still waiting for my first egg i think i still have about 4 weeks to go i dont know wat age they were when i got them but they are gettin rreally big they still dont have their waddles and comb full grown i wanat my first agg sooooo badly
We were told not to expect eggs at least until October. I knew I would get at least one in August, which I did. They have been increasing in number pretty regularly. We got our first Americauna egg like 5 days ago. We know because it is blue. We currently have 2 Americaunas laying. We get blue and green eggs from them so far. The difference in their wattles and combs is that the ones laying are a swollen bright red while the ones that are not laying look the same as they have been. We have noticed over the past month who starts to lay because the comb and wattles change, in addition to our daily egg count going up. I will look forward to hearing about your first egg!! Good luck!
We had our first egg at the end of August too. We have 10 chickens and are now getting 8 eggs a day. There were a few soft shelled at first but now they are all perfect.
Ours like brown rice as well. Think I will add the mashed banana next time and see how they like it.
We do mashed banana with rice or add cottage cheese. I got the book City Chicks by Pat Foreman. It is full of some pretty amazing information. Check out the Vermont Composting Company. It is truly remarkable and I think it can change the world in how we rely on petroleum products. I promise I am not crazy or a fanatic.....check it out. All about the green movement across the globe and how chickens have skill sets we don't tap into. I put some of them to the test already. Chickens do what chickens do and her book will make your life easier as well as having you think outside the box.
We also pick the mealy maggotty wormy things out of the compost piles for them to munch. We give them the leftovers from the fridge. They eat everything. We collect the vegetables from the grocery stores that they are going to throw away. Just make sure to get the stickers off before giving it to your birds. Getting the plant refuse from the stores has cut down on my feed bill tremendously and has allowed a more varied diet for my girls at no cost to me. Less in landfills as well!

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