My Friendliest Chicken Died Today - I'm So sad


6 Years
Feb 22, 2013
Newnan Ga

This was my darling little hen Derp. She was probably the ugliest chicken we've ever had, with her severe scissor beak and extra long neck. What she lacked in beauty, she made up with adorable and funny behavior. She followed me everywhere chattering all the while. I usually ended up carrying her because she was so underfoot. Yesterday she took a drastic, sudden downward spiral and she passed away about an hour ago. I really don't know what was wrong except the weather here changed quickly, becoming very cold. But she had water and dry shelter so I don't know. I brought her in the house last night so she would be warm. At least she had the best possible care all her life. I'll miss this crazy hen.


Derp sneaking in to treats- love it!
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I am so sorry! She was loved so much that she was photographed stealing treats :)

I had my first hen die last night. I thought I had prepared myself for losing any wrong was I. I cannot explain my profound love for animals in general, let alone any of my birds.

Here is my Boofy! I bet she and Derp are in chicken heaven sneaking treats together!

So sorry to hear. She's so cute. It's always hard when you love something so much and then it's gone. I used to have geese and you wouldn't think you'd get so attached. I was heartbroken when one died. You were a good chicken mama and Derp knew to the end she was loved. You can't ask for more than that - you never abandoned her. <<Hugs>>
Sweet Derp! She will be missed.

And Boofy! Too soon...

Sorry to hear of all your losses. It's always hard to lose one of our birds, but there are many others that need our loving kindness!

Darling Boofy - what a sweet photo. We share our grief together. Lots of people don't understand how you can love "just a chicken" so much. But they are so special. Take good care.
Yes, they do all have their own little quirks and personalities. Boofy would always make the most funny loud sound at night...once she got settled on the roost. We will sure miss her.
I have 18 other birds. How many do you have in your current flock?

This was my darling little hen Derp. She was probably the ugliest chicken we've ever had, with her severe scissor beak and extra long neck. What she lacked in beauty, she made up with adorable and funny behavior. She followed me everywhere chattering all the while. I usually ended up carrying her because she was so underfoot. Yesterday she took a drastic, sudden downward spiral and she passed away about an hour ago. I really don't know what was wrong except the weather here changed quickly, becoming very cold. But she had water and dry shelter so I don't know. I brought her in the house last night so she would be warm. At least she had the best possible care all her life. I'll miss this crazy hen.

Derp sneaking in to treats- love it!
I'm sorry that she died. Losing pets is never easy.
Than you everyone for your nice thoughts. I am trying to decide about Derp's roommate right now. Domino is Sikver Laced Wyandotte and she is currently recovering from sour crop. I had the two of them in their own little coop to give them extra care. Dommie has also had some health issues - feather loss, iron deficient- so this way I can make sure she (they) get the nutrition and supplements they need. With Derpgone, I don't want Dommie to be alone. I can put her back in with my larger flock or I can try to find a small hen to put in with her. Any thoughts?

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