My Fully Automated Chicken Coop - Auto Feed / Water / Door

Why don't you just make an automatic egg making machine?
Any chance you could post a diagram or plans of that fantastic automatic watering system? So I can find someone local to build me one like it? Otherwise, I'll probably DIE of envy here and make my hubby crazy.

You are so creative! Your happy hens will live long productive lives and give endless hours of entertainment to you and your family. Congratulations on a job well done!
I Dont Have Any Information To Post At This Time. I Will Try In The Next Couple Of Weeks To Produce A Better Video And Better Pictures To Show How I Made This Automation Happen. I Did Use An Automation Direct Plc To Control The Complete System. I Used Standard Solenoid Valves And A Electric Rotary Actuator In The Feeder And The Water System. The Automatic Door Uses A Window Motor From A Subaru Car And Some Relays For Control.

Let Me See What I Can Do!
Wow, Egg-cellent job !

so when do we get to see the automatic egg retreival conveyer, crack-in-the-pan, cook and serve in bed with toast and coffee???

kind of got me thinking of "Rosie" the robot, from the old Jetsons cartoons HAHAHA !
I have an automated coop as well, with a few more bells and whistles, if you want to discuss it.

I also have an automated brooder, you can find it here with a search.

I even have a preliminary design to automatically remove eggs from the coop and put them into a refrigerator. Not the least bit cost effective, so it will never be done.
there is absolutely a micro business in these phenomenal ideas! I just laid the gauntlet down to my father in law to emulate your designs, he is a good engineer but i am not sure that good! Patent your designs and do some research into the manufacturing expenses to see if it is worth marketing them. I know i would comfortably pay $50 - $75 for the watering system. I think i have my feeder situation sorted, but i am in Northern CA, an automatic waterer when it is 100 degrees is almost a must!

As for the door, i have been trying to work something out for a while, if my chickens were this automated, i can leave for the weekend without any concerns!
There is really no market for such elaborate things. PLC's are expensive. There are cheaper methods already on the market; $15 for auto water and maybe $40 for an auto feeder, static feed hoppers are even cheaper.


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