My hen wood duck is sick.

Aug 2, 2019
While going out in the aviary this morning I found my hen Wood duck laying on the ground, she had her wings partly open and couldn't stand. I think she is egg bound I'm doing what I can and was suggested by another knowledgeable breeder and am hoping she'll make it.
Sorry to hear that! Thats what happened to my ring teal last year.
I remember you talking about that. On my Wild waterfowl forum I got some advise to put her in a box under a heat light which I was going to do anyway. I swam her in a warm tub for 10 minutes then put her in a box with a heat light. and water with some vitamin B Niacin.
If she passed it that is a good sign.All my duck stopped laying days ago.Except a cinnamon.
If she passed it that is a good sign.All my duck stopped laying days ago.Except a cinnamon.
I'm in CT and my Hooded and Wood duck are the only ones laying. The Mandarin and Ring teal should be next it's my first year with them. My Cinnamons and Green wings won't be until June and July.

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