My Hens are Attacking my Rooster!


Sep 25, 2017
My hens are attacking my roosters feet. They are all bloody. I'm not sure if he cut himself, and as a result the hens were attracted to the blood and then got all savage... Or if they are actually picking on him. We separated him for the time being... What could this be about? Will the hens keep doing it? Also, is there anything I can put on his feet, because they got him pretty good :( poor guy.
Keep him separated 'til he heals. The hens will keep pecking at the wound. You can use Neosporin, Works just as well on chickens as it does on people..
I had an extra rooster that I tried to sell. Frizzled bantam cochin. I hatched him, so I didn't want to just give him away, but nobody wanted to buy him. Then I lost my large brahma rooster from my free-range production reds. So I put the cochin in with them. They did quite a number on him!! But within a month or so, he earned his place in their hearts, and eventually took very good care of them. I felt sorry for him too, but they worked it out.

I have also seen older hens darn-near kill small/younger cockerels, so it all depends on your flock dynamics and your goals.
It's just the flock dynamics, they'll be mean to him until he's earned his place. Get some blu-kote, it's an antibiotic which also coats the wound with blue. Chickens are attracted to red, so it will reduce pecking.

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