My husband HATES chickens


12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
West Michigan

Mr. horsewishr was not excited about getting chickens this spring, and emphatically told me that he would NOT be taking care of them.

So far I've caught him standing by the coop "talking" to them (in their own language), collecting Japanese beetles to feed them, and picking them up to show them where the good bugs are. He's now saying he doesn't know if he can even eat chicken anymore.

I got home from work last night around midnight. There was a note on my keyboard: "All the chickens are roosting!" (which is news, because they generally sleep on the floor). He signed "Love, Chicken Daddy."

Of course he continues to remind me, almost daily, that he doesn't like chickens.
My entire family aside from my farm raised mom, laughs at how much they mean to me.......BUT,,,,they are the ones watching.looking.helping.laughing......even taking pictures when no one is looking........ HAHA, chicken to admit they love my flock as much as I do.......what is up with that ?

What a sucker!! My husband is the same way with the horses. He claims he doesn't like them, but I'll catch him feeding them horse cookies or patting them on the neck.
But with the chickens, he's a proud papa!
that is too funny! my husband is the one that was talking me into the chickens and i was the one who had to warm up to them!!!!
now i just love them and he always has!!!!
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Same here. He grumbles about the horses all the time--but he loves spending time out in the barn, and he whinnies to the horses when he sees them. He brags that my gelding follows him around and rests his head on his (husband's) shoulder.
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My oldest "tweenaged" son thought it was goofy to get first
Now if I want to track him down all I have to do is go to the coop area and he is hangin' round talking silly talk to the birds.

I'm gonna have to catch him by surprise someday and film him secretly-so I can play it to whomever he marries in the future (so SHE can get chickens if she wants too also
and he can't say to her that chickens are silly).
My husband grumbles to everyone about "MY" chickens. Now....if he "hated" them soooooo much, would he be going to such great length to build the best chicken coop ever? And he is talking about how and where he can build another? I came up for a plan for the turkeys, and he said.....I just want to make sure they are comfortable. HAHA!! HE is HOOKED!! When no one else is around, but me...he talks to the hens...and even to the roos. Hu! He likes em. LOL
Same here. He grumbles about the horses all the time--but he loves spending time out in the barn, and he whinnies to the horses when he sees them. He brags that my gelding follows him around and rests his head on his (husband's) shoulder.

How funny is that!! I love catching Ken giving love to the horses. When I call him on it, he says, "I'm just a carrot vending machine to them!"
But hey, why do you think they like me? It's not because I make them carry me around!
I've only had chickens since the beginning of May. My DH never really wanted to see them in the brooder as babies. When they moved outside he didn't really care. If I need help carrying feed buckets....he grumbles under his breath.

NOW....I'll look outside and see him walking around in the chicken yard. I'll say "whatcha doin?" his response "I'm looking at all these holes these crazy chickens dug all over the place, you better be careful you'll break a leg!"

Then he'll run in and say "One of those white chickens is pecking Tiny!!! Go make her stop!"

For someone who doesn't care about the chickens, he sure does spend a lot of time out there. And what are we doing this weekend...building blind Tiny her own little chicken condo. He says he just likes building things. Bull! I think he loves Tiny!

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