My Leghorn Hen Is Missing !!!


12 Years
Oct 8, 2007
Griffin, GA
She freeranges with my Marans and guineas and has never wandered off. I'm very upset
I've had her for two years and it was a very rare day that she wouldn't lay an egg. I saw her this morning when I fed but she was no where to be seen this afternoon when I got home from class.

My guess would be she is hideing in a nest somewhere....trying to surprise you with a bunch of babies in a few weeks! I sure hope this is where she is, and comes out in the morning to eat. If she does...try to follow her..Hopefully you will find a great surprise!
I hope you other guys are right but I am betting on the worst the most likely is that she is hidden some where.
Hope she shows Up.
Thanks for the support! My DH just doesn't understand.She does freerange with my Marans. There is a rooster with them. I am very much afraid that something has happened to her. Leghorns don't go broody.

It's not that Leghorns can't go broody, any female chicken can. Leghorns are aong the least likely to go broody.
Sorry to say a more likely outcome is......well, less positive.
I wouldn't worry a bit till dusk fall and if she doesn't home to roost. My birds disapear for the day and reappear at night. They free range so go anywhere they want. Hope she comes home.

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