My Little Girl


Oct 5, 2019
Minnesota, USA
I have wanted chickens for years for eggs and as pets. Finally got around to altering a shed into a chicken coop so I order 45 chicks this spring. I order Black and White Jersey Giants, Midnight Majesty Marans, Calico Princess, Dominique, Buckeye, Easter Eggers, Lavender Orpington, Buff Orpington and Speckled Sussex. After I set them up in their brooder ( a very large livestock tank) I spent a lot of time with them every day to make sure they were happy, healthy and getting to know me. There was one little chick who always came running when I put my hand in the brooder, she would follow my hand around until I picked her up. I didn't know if she was a Midnight Majesty Marans or a Black Jersey Giant since they look almost identical when little chicks. After moving them to their permanent home a 15x25 foot coop with a Extra Large fenced in run with flight netting on top, she would follow me every place when I was in the coop or run. Now when I go out to see my chickens she will come over to say hi and she expects me to pick her up. If I ignore her she will tug on my pants leg twice. When I look down at her she looks at me and stretches out her neck until I bend over to pick her up. She will happily stay in my arms for as long as I am willing to hold her. She is the sweetest girl. it took me a few months before I knew that she was a Jersey Giant. I hope she makes it to the ripe old age of at least 10!
JG my little girl.jpg
Here is a picture of my little girl.

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