My March Hatch-along!


Nov 27, 2021
Pahrump, Nevada
Who is ready to follow my second ever incubation?

I'm so egg-cited! My first hatch was pretty successful in my eyes, 5 out of 8 (10, but 2 didn't make it to lockdown)

My eggs arrived today, now to let them set. So ready to set them. My first batch were an exotic bantam mix and they turn 4 weeks Friday and are absolutely adorable and equally hilarious.

This time I am doing a mix of Dominique and Barred Rock. I'm getting some Dominique eggs/chicks locally as apparently they don't ship well but still wanted to try my hand at a few eggs. I'm so stoked about the seller, they went way above as I ordered a mixed dozen and she sent 22!! 2 were broken because USPS was pretty hard on the box but I'm overly ecstatic with 20 (9 Dom, 11 BR).

Definitely going to be a busy couple weeks. Filling the incubator, got the starter coop up, shed for conversion is being delivered Friday, getting the run setup, and everything predator proofed. I'm so happy the weather is on the uphill and I can finally get everything together.
The little guys have rested point side down for 24 hours and are in and will start turning in 3 days. USPS was pretty rough with them and the sellers packaging wasn't very good at all and unfortunately some were so nasty I had to clean them :( so I'm really not expecting a very high hatch rate.

But I did a thing....... It's going to be my first try at a stagered hatch. I have 6+ that will be shipping Monday from a great seller. I have high hopes for them, they are also Dominiques and the seller breeds for the old bloodlines. I'm so stoked! Incubator will be more organized when the others arrive.
So 9 made it to lockdown, and 7 hatched. 4 Barred Rock and 3 Dominique. I'll get photos later. The are too stinkin cute!

The others go into lockdown tomorrow. They looked so perfect when they arrived, I received 8 but unfortunately I'm down to only 3 of those. :(

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