My mom is lost. Can I hang out with you guys?


All things share the same breath- Chief Seattle
11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
The Emerald City
My Coop
My Coop
Dad sent me these pictures. Kind of awesome.

I'm sure he did not take the pictures. He was sent them in an e-mail. It said mom did show back up after the horses left.

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You tricked me. I was getting ready to say that I was sorry your mother had died.

I am glad it is just a baby deer that lost its mother for a little while. The baby deer is supposed to stay still and hidden while the mother is away feeding. Walking around is a good way for that baby deer to get eaten. I hope that baby deer learns to stay put while its momma is away.
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Awww! I want to save those pics... :love

BUT, you just gave me a heart attack! I thought something bad happend to you.. :smack :hugs
That was the subject of the email. It did not cross my mind that it could have another meaning. I'm going in to edit now.

It's learning to be a horse, in those pictures. It was probably looking up thinking "I will never reach those teats!"

I was also treating those pics like a "find-the-deer" picture, looking for the mom.

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