My new and first Coop Build..

Very nice coop!
Actually no probs from neighbors.. We figured once they start laying we will give eggs to all close to us...

There are snakes here but nothing big! 2-5 feet.. mostly black racers and garden snakes...
Many raccoons, especially in my area(very little town). Covered in trees. Many birds. hawks and Pilates woodpeckers are the most danger. Some eagles and Voltures. but those are manly on the roadways.....

storms? We definitely get those.. I built it strong and heavy..I wood feel safer in their than in the house.. lol
But if one should come to blow it away... well I think I wont challenge Mother Nature.. She will win EVERY TIME!
I do love the outside Perch idea.. We haven't thought of that! I do have plenty of bamboo. And I know it will work well as I have a bamboo perch I made inside the coop.
Gee..., maybe I will add one over the garden.. free


will add new photos soon....
Actually no probs from neighbors.. We figured once they start laying we will give eggs to all close to us...

There are snakes here but nothing big! 2-5 feet.. mostly black racers and garden snakes...
Many raccoons, especially in my area(very little town). Covered in trees. Many birds. hawks and Pilates woodpeckers are the most danger. Some eagles and Voltures. but those are manly on the roadways.....

storms? We definitely get those.. I built it strong and heavy..I wood feel safer in their than in the house.. lol
But if one should come to blow it away... well I think I wont challenge Mother Nature.. She will win EVERY TIME!
I do love the outside Perch idea.. We haven't thought of that! I do have plenty of bamboo. And I know it will work well as I have a bamboo perch I made inside the coop.
Gee..., maybe I will add one over the garden.. free


will add new photos soon....

Piliated woodpeckers a danger?? Possibly to your coop but surely not your birds.

You asked about food- I would put it inside, yes. There are going to be times when they don't want to be outside (like when it's raining buckets) and you need a way to give them food and water and keep it dry. We are in the desert, but will have food and water available all the time, including at night. The key is to place it where they are not going to poo all over it. I would simply feel awful if something catastrophic happened and we weren't around for a while to let them get to their food/water. Plus, since I live in a hot climate, I feel that having access to water is absolutely critical, 100% of the time. And so you might as well put the food in there, too.

My other thought was about the big wooden feeder that holds what- 100 lbs of feed? Firstly, it's wood. In a humid climate, I would wonder (even if sealed with paint) about moisture transfer, particularly into that amount of feed. You will not want to risk moldy food, which can be really problematic if eaten. I would wonder about it even if it was completely inside the coop- I personally would lean towards using something like pvc. Honestly, I could not imagine leaving that amount of food out unless I had a commercial setup and it was being eaten in a few days (because I worry

Hopefully someone in the humid climate will share experience with that.

You should be proud of what you've (all of you) done! And probably really thrilled when it's completely finished.
WOW!! Fantastic work!! I do agree with the wood feeder though. I won't even use the PVC pipe kind because it's so humid here I worry about mold.
Actually no probs from neighbors.. We figured once they start laying we will give eggs to all close to us...

There are snakes here but nothing big! 2-5 feet.. mostly black racers and garden snakes...
Many raccoons, especially in my area(very little town). Covered in trees. Many birds. hawks and Pilates woodpeckers are the most danger. Some eagles and Voltures. but those are manly on the roadways.....

storms? We definitely get those.. I built it strong and heavy..I wood feel safer in their than in the house.. lol
But if one should come to blow it away... well I think I wont challenge Mother Nature.. She will win EVERY TIME!
I do love the outside Perch idea.. We haven't thought of that! I do have plenty of bamboo. And I know it will work well as I have a bamboo perch I made inside the coop.
Gee..., maybe I will add one over the garden.. free

Re: Pilates I have seen they peck away chunks from my pine trees..They are big! But I hope you are right.. So far the ducks free range outside the coop and no problems.
Thank You for listening in..


will add new photos soon....

Piliated woodpeckers a danger?? Possibly to your coop but surely not your birds.

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