My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

Thanks everyone! I really hope to have it fully enclosed this week and functional. It really needs done before I go back to work in a week or two. I think the hardest parts are over though.
I think it looks great! I love the idea of lilacs, too (I love lilacs!).

What is the siding going to be like?
Kristin, check at your local nursery center. I grew up in Detroit and my parents had a lilac bush outside their bedroom windows. The thing was huge! I wish I had some cuttings from that bush. And Michigan winters are comparible to the ones in Conn. There are several varities out there that are cold tolerant and come in assorted colors from pastel to deep purple. They also came out with a yellow a couple of years ago, I have a pale lavendar one, a yellow, a deep purple and a white one.
I have three that never bloom because they are in complete shade. I do think I know of a spot we can move them to, or plant others. It's on the someday list. What I really hope to do is get some from my dad. He got some shoots whatever they're called from his grandparents' farm in UPstate NY and transplanted them here in CT and they're doing great. He's got more sun than I do though. We're talking an original bush that's got to be more than 100 years old! The farm is long gone. My dad is 81 and these were his grandparents!!
Now back to Buster's coop!

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