My newly brought Muscovy ducks are not eating, and afraid to move around in my yard


In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2017
I had brought 6 Muscovy ducks( 2 male, 4 female), all of them are around 7months old; 2 of the males are undergoing changing the features. I had brought them in with my 2 geese and 3 chicken in my back yard.
I have given them maize and wheat, but they are not eating. it ends up the male goose goes there and have the maize and wheat. the 6 ducks they are also not moving around in the yard, it looks like they are a bit scared of the new environment?

in the yard i also had a small pond, and those ducks they dont even go near it. they just hang out in front the pen which i keep them in with the geese;

I am very afraid that if they dont eat, they will fall ill and die, please Help!!

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