My old lady hen is slowly dying


In the Brooder
Oct 26, 2021
Hi everyone! I am normally not a poster, more of a reader of posts and comments to get answers to all my strange chicken questions. But my almost 11 year old hen, Nugget needs a community.

I raised Nugget, a gold sex link from a chick and she was part of my original backyard flock of 4. All the others are long gone, but she is super special, strong and smart and has been with us at 3 homes. She has outlived a raccoon attack, and has seen dozens of hen friends come and go over the years. She even graced the cover of the garden section of the Sacramento Bee newspaper back in 2012.

Back in August she had a sore on her butt and we washed it and kept her inside in a cage for several nights to keep her clean. She got back to normal, but this last year she has been understandably slower and likes to stare at a fence or a wall. But she still did her tricks like jumping up in the air to get a treat. The other 9 birds are super respectful of her. Then on September 21, I noticed she was lethargic and when she walked she seemed to be blind or at least double vision or something. She would stumble on the edge of the deck and peck and miss her food. Very neurological it seemed. I hand fed her indoors and even fastened a disposable medical style face mask around her wings as a diaper! Not sure if she liked this or not.

Over the past month she has continued to decline. She no longer can walk at all. She hasn't been able to walk for 3 weeks in fact. She's eaten very little. I've tried all the best treats. She will occasionally go for it, but very rarely

And so she lives on a towel that I change like an old lady's bedding in a nursing home twice a day in a chair in our living room. Sometimes she gets to sit by the fire. Sometimes the dogs come by to say hello with a lick. Sometimes I bring in one of the young chickens for visiting hour and she seems to love it.

BUT, I feel like this is hardly a life for her. I tell her everyday that it's ok to fly away to the great chicken afterlife, but she's not going. She really is just living on air at this point and rarely takes a sip of water or eats any food. I try so hard to get her to eat. I know she's not going to recover, she's almost 11 for God's sake, but I can't NOT feed her.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to spur her along to the other side of the rainbow, please let me know. I've talked with my husband about taking her to the vet to be euthanized, but he insists she's not suffering so why bother.

Best part about all of this is that this sweet old bird is teaching me about tolerance and patience and it's all pretty damn cool.

I would love to hear of anyone else's experience that is similar.


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I'm so very sorry that you've joined under such sad circumstances.
The last two pictures you posted are not of a hen that is feeling good at all. I have had hens in bad shape. Nowhere near as old as your girl. But I help them across and euthanize them.
It may seem graphic. It may seem violent. But my neighbor shoots them for me. It's over in a second and they feel practically nothing. It's the kindest choice when there is no hope of improvement and the most difficult one that any animal owner has to make.
Thank you for sharing your story about Nugget. I agree with @DobieLover, she's not well and likely not comfortable, despite your excellent care. If the vet is your best option, I hope we can convince your husband it's worth it. I had an older girl who I managed to put down myself last spring. It was hard for me, but she didn't suffer and got a proper burial in the back woods.

Be well.
So sorry that you are faced with such a decision to make. I've had that with dogs too many times to recount. My last four made it to 14 (not born the same year) so at least they did not all have to be put down at the same time. My mother was the only one who would take them in to the vet. I don't think she cared for any animals.
I'm so sorry. Sometimes the last kind act we can do for them is help them pass. You will wonder if it was the right time, if you should have waited but all my animals have told me when they were ready. Unfortunately I've learned to know the look. If she is no longer eating abd especially drinking then you are probably close.

After she is gone it will be normal to run through the day you said goodbye over and over. But try instead to think about all the days that came before and what a wonderful life and the times you had. I pray that your memories bring you comfort and you have peace with your decision ❤️
I'm new to chickens and I have 4 girls around 24 weeks who I love and adore. One of them is a Red Sex Link. I did not get her for egg production and am so worried about her potential short lifespan based on what I have read due to reproductive complications, etc.
So your Nugget living to 11 years is so inspiring. You have obviously taken wonderful care of her. I am sorry for your current difficulties. Much love and peace to you and Nugget both.

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