My Pet Chicken?? ordering chicks?

I ordered from MPC. Found them to be fabulous!!!! I contacted them in February, placed order later. Customer service was great. Chicks arrived on date as given ,they were shipped out on time. You all seem to forget the other hatchery probs. Did you ever stop to think they may have been inundated with orders and were trying to accomodate alot of customers that wanted to get chicks........
I've had a really positive experience so far with MPC. I got 11, and they came a day early and all alive. (knock on wood)

They send you an email about 5-8 days before they ship. Telling you that this is the only email they'll will send. They ship on Monday and should arrive Wednesday.

I know I had to make a decision if I should delay my order and wait. But I decided not to.

I talked to Stephanie (contact on MPC) and she told they wait till they are born close together, so hopefully you'll get the chicks you want!

So far so good...
Lisa is also good from MPC

I wish you all the best... I'm sure you'll get what you want!
dedern- I realize they were perhaps inundated with orders, but I ordered mine in February and was confirmed multiple times by MPC themselves that all of them would be here on April 23rd. At no point in that process did they ever say that they were having trouble filling orders or that there were production problems. They just didn't send my chicks as promised. Or they lost my chicks and didn't have clear enough paperwork to find the tracking number so I could figure out where they were. So option A) they blew me off or B) there's a box of dead chicks somewhere. Neither is a really great business practice.

I will say again that their customer service area is great. Stephanie and Laurie were as nice as they could be once I notified them of the missing chicks. But clearly they have problems with their hatchery and shipping programs that need to be worked out. Even just reading this thread I am not the only one that has had a problem getting promised chicks.

I understand that no business is perfect. I understand that perhaps there were hatchery problems. Hatching eggs is a tenuous business at best. But is you cannot fill an order you should let the customer know. As it was I spent three days stressing over the location of the box of non-existant chicks. Almost two weeks later I still don't have any chicks. Theoretically they are to ship on Monday. We'll see.

I am not trying to bash MPC. I loved their website and enjoyed talking to customer service. But I paid a lot of money for chicks and I still don't have any.
City girl~
I'm really sorry you had that experience, that's terrible!

So are you going to get any chickens this year? I'd definitely say something to Stephanie and Laurie!
They are going to resend them this Monday. Hopefully! If this lot doesn't show up I'll try a different hatchery. I went with MPC because of the sexed bantums, but I'm pretty okay taking my chances with straight run, I guess.

And Laurie and Stephanie have been great! None of this is their fault. They have bent over backwards to be helpful and kind. I have only great things to say about them!

In the grand scheme of the universe it's no big deal. One way or another chickens will show up at my house. Yay for me! I just hate to be told "it's not their fault" when clearly there is a problem somewhere.

Thanks for the sympathy though!
After reading all this, I'm so worried that my chicks will not come on the dates they gave me. I travel back & forth from PA to VA with 410 miles in between. If they ship early & the PO just delivers them, I'll have a box of dead peeps on the porch. Can't decide if I should risk it or not.....
I just received my order from MPC on wednes. 10 beautiful chicks. they hatched on mon and I rec'd them wednes morning. they are 5 days old, so I hope they continue to do well.
part of the order was 2 blue one blue and one mystery substitute cochin. the rest were 1 red cochin, 4 buff orp and 3 blk australorps.
all look healthy. would recommend MPC.
My chicks came Wednesday as well. Would have posted earlier but I've been sitting at the brooder smitten!
The chicks are beautiful. The quality of chicks is great. They are all lively and healthy, chirping and flitting about in the brooder.

I had originally ordered 15. Because of the screw up MPC threw in two mille fleurs I had wanted. Plus they threw in an extra polish. When I opened the box one of the polish babies was smooshed on the bottom of the pile. I think she was smothered. She lived about five minutes after I got her out of the box.
So they shipped 18 and 17 lived and are thriving.

I had some trouble getting a response out of customer service this time around. I started trying to get a tracking number on Monday and never could get a response. I tried both email and calling the customer service number. Nada. I wondered if it was because of this thread. Dunno. I did get a lovely email late last night from my contact apologizing for not responding earlier, saying that it was not willful. Again, dunno. I still think SHE is really nice. I'm pretty iffy on the company as a whole.

It will come down to the sexing on the bantums. If all of them turn out to be girls as promised, than it is worth the money and hassle. If I get a mix than I'll probably just take my chances with straight run. No sense paying extra for something that doesn't work. Give me a few weeks and I'll let you know!

Again, I must say that the quality of these chicks is GREAT! They are absolutely beautiful and seem to be very healthy as well. All are eating well and flappng around the brooder being happy little chickens! If you don't mind some uncertainty about shipping, then by all means use MPC. The chicks are gorgeous!
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I guess it's half of one and half of another...

I just talked with a friend that ordered 30 chicks from MMF and 13 of them were dead and one just died yesterday.... sad...

very sad....

My babies are thriving and are from MPC. When I would go to their site over and over (before chicks) it was always saying "Whoa nellie... " Then they would go on to say they were completely out of stock.... on everything!!!! I had to wait until they had more peeps... it was kind a hit or miss thing. About a week after I ordered mine they were out again! They said the "Back yard" chickens has sky rocketed this year! They've never seen anything like it.

So I think all the hatcheries are good, just they can't be 100%
I ordered from My Pet Chicken last night and I received an email with an order number but nothing that gives me an estimated ship date. I have no clue if they will arrive in a couple weeks or a couple months.

Should I have been given a ship date??

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