My poor genetic mess!!


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Blue Ridge, TX
Well, we purchased 12 chicks in total, 4 of them being barred rocks. One of them seemed to have slight foot problems when she was tiny, but not severe. As she has aged, her feet are obviously a mess. Her toes are all bent in the wrong way, but she gets around fine. Now, today, I realized that her beak is all out of alignment, just like her feet, and her bottom beak is off to the side from her top beak. Is there anything I need to do to help her, because her bottom beak seems to be getting longer then her top because of it. Poor girl, and she is so sweet. She is the same size as all of the other 12 week old barred rocks, so she is growing fine.

What do you think?
Thanks for sharing this. Last year we got a barred rock rooster chick for our flock and as he aged, we noticed he had a gimp leg. Since he was our only rooster, I quickly got another one (welsummer this time) and found a home for him where he is loved and carried around like a baby. But I wonder if the breed is prone to problems?
I have to run shortly, but I saw your post and wanted to give you a quick bit of help if I could-- id you search the forum for "Crossbeak" or "Cross beak" you will get a lot of information, and tips for helping this condition. Best wishes!
I have to run shortly, but I saw your post and wanted to give you a quick bit of help if I could-- id you search the forum for "Crossbeak" or "Cross beak" you will get a lot of information, and tips for helping this condition. Best wishes!

oh, thank you so much!! I did not know there was even a name for it. I will look it up.

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