My poor son :UPDATE added


12 Years
May 7, 2007
West MI.
He's 9 and yesterday he got attacked by our rooster that he loves. Nothing too bad (no real spurs yet) but he tried to bite him several times and chased him from the coop. I had asked him to go give the chickens some fresh cool water and he filled up a 2 liter to pour into the dish. Thanks goodness because it became his weapon
He had to whack Roo to get away.

He came running up to the house scared and said MOM I need backup
I can laugh now because he wasn't hurt. Anyways he explained the whole thing and I figured out why he "attacked". Roo was just protecting his girls, my son was chasing one trying to pet her and I guess it made Roo angry. He has never been aggresive before to anyone. I wish I would've been there when it happened then I could've shown Roo who was BOSS.

I just told Jake to never take his eye off Roo and don't pet the girls unless I'm with you. His feelings were hurt until I explained its nothing personal, Roo was just protecting his flock.
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you know the chickens were probably having the same conversation... "the boy has never attacked before and we really liked him. He was chasing me and the roo had to protect me!" Let your son see it from the "other side".
I'm glad your son is fine. I noticed just the other day my roo looking at my son in a funny way. I think I will make that rule today - no going in the coop unless I'm with you - cause my son goes around picking up the hens one by one. Thanks Schmoo for bring this to my attention.
Kids doing the wrong thing (in the eyes of the roo) are probably the cause of 90% of child/roo attacks.
Same goes for dog/cat and other animal attacks.

You can't blame either of them, all you can do is teach the children. Since he had a weapon, it may not ever happen again.
Years ago I had a RIR rooster who started attacking my 18 month old son for no reason. I figured maybe just this small human freaked him out, but I wasn't going to chance an injury since he was mature and had some nasty spurs. Needless to say he ended up in the pot.
I have heard RIRs can be really aggressive. One reasons I haven't had the guts to get one for my RIR gals. They have a nice Cochin Roo who is sweet and we get some cute babies with feathered feet!
You handle this situation by calmly reminding the rooster that you can cut its throat. If the rooster does not learn English and understand what that means after a few months, then carry out. That's what Silkiechicken and I do. We've had a few roosters that like to attack people's feet, never mine though... Maybe they see that folder clipped to my pants

At any rate, I hope that the rooster clams down. I know our #1 rooster doesn't attack us if we go after one of the hens. Maybe he'll grow out of it?

Be careful though, roosters can really hurt once they grow up!

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