My pullets think the coop floor is LAVA! 🙄


Will Work For Chickens
Premium Feather Member
Jul 29, 2022
SE Michigan
I switched the litter substrate on floor of the coop yesterday from hemp to Sani-Care (it's hardwood, but the consistency of sand, and their run is actual sand). These chickens REFUSE to go into the coop now, and if I make them, they squawk like they're being murdered and jump onto the roost. I tried putting treats in there, and I tried closing them in the coop for a bit. They just freaked.

Last night, I manually placed each one in the coop, they immediately jumped onto the roost, and they refused to come off the roost this morning (I had to take each one down). Tonight, I'm not going to be home until after dark so I'm worried they won't put themselves to be like they usually do (I'll update when I get home).

I know chickens don't like change, but I had no idea they'd be this ridiculous about litter substrate. Is there a better way for me to get them used to this new thing? 🫠
I switched the litter substrate on floor of the coop yesterday from hemp to Sani-Care (it's hardwood, but the consistency of sand, and their run is actual sand). These chickens REFUSE to go into the coop now, and if I make them, they squawk like they're being murdered and jump onto the roost. I tried putting treats in there, and I tried closing them in the coop for a bit. They just freaked.

Last night, I manually placed each one in the coop, they immediately jumped onto the roost, and they refused to come off the roost this morning (I had to take each one down). Tonight, I'm not going to be home until after dark so I'm worried they won't put themselves to be like they usually do (I'll update when I get home).

I know chickens don't like change, but I had no idea they'd be this ridiculous about litter substrate. Is there a better way for me to get them used to this new thing? 🫠
I can picture the scene!
I switched the litter substrate on floor of the coop yesterday from hemp to Sani-Care (it's hardwood, but the consistency of sand, and their run is actual sand). These chickens REFUSE to go into the coop now, and if I make them, they squawk like they're being murdered and jump onto the roost. I tried putting treats in there, and I tried closing them in the coop for a bit. They just freaked.

Last night, I manually placed each one in the coop, they immediately jumped onto the roost, and they refused to come off the roost this morning (I had to take each one down). Tonight, I'm not going to be home until after dark so I'm worried they won't put themselves to be like they usually do (I'll update when I get home).

I know chickens don't like change, but I had no idea they'd be this ridiculous about litter substrate. Is there a better way for me to get them used to this new thing? 🫠
Start again. Mix the bedding from all old to all new over a week with a percentage change each week. That sometimes works.
Sounds like chickens when they first see snow. You'll have to work with them. One way is to keep their food in the coop only, where they'll have no choice but to walk on the floor to eat. Encourage them to go inside by being in there with their favorite treats in plain sight. Lastly, if they're not in the coop tonight, put them all on the floor, not the perches. They should be tired, and if you're using a dim or red light, they might not see or know where you're putting them. Tomorrow morning if it's still a problem, refuse to let them out and set them on the new litter. (If it's dusty, be careful that they don't kick any of that stuff in your eyes!) Leave them in there until they start walking (and scratching at it). Throw some mealworms (or other treats) on it to encourage them to scratch at it.
Maybe top it with some pine shavings?

They have never seen pine shavings either, lol, so I assume it'd be a similar situation😆. I do have a little bit of hemp leftover that I could try putting on top of everything, kind of like @Shadrach suggests (thank you) - I don't have enough of the hemp to start anew, but maybe if I put what I do have on top of the Sani-Care, they'll not be such wussies. 😵‍💫

@Lacy Duckwing they were indeed in the coop, on the roost, when I got home tonight, so that was a relief. If I have to manually take them off the roost in the a.m., I will try these suggestions. Perhaps since they put themselves to bed tonight (and because I spent more time than any sane person should trying to coerce them to stand on the Sani-Care during the day), they'll be less precious tomorrow. 🙃
I can picture the scene!

Precious chicken butts for levity...🤣 I was so darn frustrated today!! 🤬
I do have a little bit of hemp leftover that I could try putting on top of everything,
That should work. Put more in a path from the door to the feeder waterer roost etc.

I sift out some old bedding to toss on top of the new bedding(I use pine shavings) to avoid the 'hot lava' syndrome. I also have tossed BOSS around the coop after shaking the jar to call them in.
Idk if this will help but when my pullets refused to sleep in the coop I took away anything else for them to perch on in the run it took a few days and a lot of confused birds (imagine chickens flying at the roof of the run trying to get up onto invisible perches) but eventually it worked
That should work. Put more in a path from the door to the feeder waterer roost etc.

I sift out some old bedding to toss on top of the new bedding(I use pine shavings) to avoid the 'hot lava' syndrome. I also have tossed BOSS around the coop after shaking the jar to call them in.
Putting some on the path to the food etc is a great idea (thank you)! And I think I will try putting the hemp on top of the new stuff (hopefully it'll look similar enough to the old...😬)

I did try tossing some scratch in, but even that was not enough incentive! They won't eat BOSS (I can't even begin to imagine why not because I thought it was supposed to be like chicken candy!).
Idk if this will help but when my pullets refused to sleep in the coop I took away anything else for them to perch on in the run it took a few days and a lot of confused birds (imagine chickens flying at the roof of the run trying to get up onto invisible perches) but eventually it worked
The picture this put in my head! 🤣🤣

Thankfully they did go into the coop and were roosting when I got home after dark. Although, I shutter to think of what that scene looked like. :lau

I suppose that's the most important thing, that they're still going in at night. They have a few months before they reach POL, so I the only reason they're in the coop right now is to sleep. I'll not be changing litter so abruptly in the future though! #LessonLearned 😅

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