my rhode island red got attaked by a racoon please help ASAP!!!


10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
about 2 weeks ago a racoon got into our chicken area an attacked one of our chickens. she is about six month old an the boss of all the others. we woke up an ran outside when we heard what was going on an scared the racoon away. then found our chicken huddled in the corner. we picked her up an checked her out there was no blood anywere she was missing alot of feathers on her chest both sides of her hind quarters and down her left leg. she seemed to be fine just scared. then afew days went by an we noticed her limping an we thought she was just brused she was acting normal then on the 1st of june we found her hideing under a car. she wasnt moveing so we got her out an put her down an notice she couldnt walk much without holding her wings out so we took her in the house an put her in a box an wachted her. then i thought maybe i should check her again and this time i noticed a nickle size scab above her left leg it was a little red so i went to the store got some peroxcide and some spray antibactiral cleaned it and sprayed it. She also seemed to have a fever or something she keeps breathing with her moth open. I got her some penicellen and tetracyclie
today an gave her the pen. but i'm not sure if i can give her both of them at the same time? now she doesn't seem to want to eat. if anyone has ideas on how to give her meds or get her to eat or if theres anything else to do please let me know. i have only had my chickens for 3 months this is all new to me. the redness of her sore has seemed to go own the scab went from a yellowish/green to a dark brown/black color is that good? and are they in pain when there feathers start grown back could that casue a fever or anything? help please. thank you.
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Did someone suggest both the penicillin + tetracycline? I've always had luck with penicillin (amoxicillin - same family and action) alone. In any event, it is good that the scab is no longer "green/yellow", just as it would be if it was an owie on a human. I'm a little concerned that her droopiness is happening 2 weeks after the attack. Could there be any other wounds you haven't found yet? I'd keep her inside (like in a pet carrier) and be sure she's drinking enough. Electrolytes etc can't hurt.
I'm pretty sure there's no pain during feather growth, but growing feathers does require energy (that's why moulting hens don't lay eggs - too busy making feathers!). You could google or find out a healthy hen's normal temp and check it to be sure. That would be a sign of infection, which the antibiotics would help with w/in about 2 days. Good luck....
we went to the feed store and asked some questions on what to give her they said the penicillin and that we could try the tetracicllen they said it helps with colds and flu like symtoms so we decided to get both. we give her water with a syringe and i tried to get her to eat layer food its a no go we have been getting worms for her she was eatting them but today i can not get her to eat im not sure what els to try an feed her. do you know what it means when they breath with there mouth open? than you.
It sounds like she is having respiratory problems. There is a chance the coon could have gave her some sort of bacterial infection in her blood. That would make sense with the time lapse and why she is sick now.
Poor girl, hope the antibiotics kick in soon.
try mashing up some of her food with water and, using a syringe, squirt it into her mouth. she can't refuse it when its in her mouth

ps. dont stick it down her throat. just in her mouth.
i'm wondering if the raccoon might've broken a rib. that could cause respiratory problems. it sounds like when you thought she was scared, she might've been tired????

only a guess. i wonder if you can feel around and see. maybe compare both sides.

raccoons are so much stronger than i ever realized.
I agree with the probability there is some infection going on since raccoons have very sharp claws there may be a cut or scratch somewhere underneath her feathers that you have not seen, not to mention the infected (although sounds better) leg wound. If she doesn't want to eat her normal food it's best to give her something delicious but also nutritious. Try your antibiotics in watermelon, homemade cornbread with a little honey, or anything you know she'll gobble up. Make sure she doesn't get deyhydrated; bread dipped in Vi-Tal (electolyte powder mixed in water) will give her fluids. I've made batches of goody food over the years to sick pigs, dogs and chikens just to keep them going until they get well enough to eat their real diet. Not walking? Sounds like she could just be real sore from the assault, which like us sometimes doesn't hit until a couple of days later.
Do not use penicillin and tetracyclines (sp) together. They are incompatible. They neutralize each other. If you give both you might as well be giving nothing at all.
thank you for all you help. i did not give her both meds at the same ime just used the pen. she looked like she was getting a little better but this morening i was feeding her and giveing her water when she started gassping for air got up ran around then fliped over on her back and twitched a couple of times and that was it. she was the best rohde island and the biggest i had her name was ruby she was very friendly. i will miss her...thank you once again..
Why do you think that? They are different classes and different spectrum antibiotics. Not that I think a tetracycline would be helpful for this injury, but the combination of drugs is not a problem- as long as you are not mixing them together directly. If you are getting your information by reading stability/compatibility text- it is referring to giving these together in an injection or IV.


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