My Rooster passed away any thoughts on why.?


In the Brooder
Jan 19, 2024
Marengo IL
Hello, So I wanted to ask about one of my roosters unfortunately he passed away this morning, but I thought maybe someone would have a tiny bit of idea of that happened to him he has not been feeling well for more than a week. He started by not eating or drinking, So I gave him water and hand fed him as well he would take a few bites and then would stop. When he started to feel bad, he will be puffed up and would not sleep in the roster, he walked like a penguin but hardly walked.
I treated him whit Electrolytes, antibiotics, treated him for parasites, dewormed him I did this not all at once but one day at a time. I would feed him twice a day for like 14 days straight. He lost a lot of weight rapid, he was nothing but skin and bones. He was about 3 years old. The picture is of how he was the whole time


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🙁 He was beautiful. I'm very sorry for your loss, but it seems you did all you could. By all means when you have a sick bird, come here right away and people will help you try to figure out what is wrong with it and how to treat it. We are here to help. :hugs
Sorry for your loss. Something that would cause rapid weight loss would be cancer, but a crop or gizzard issue, or heavy worm problem might also be a problem. Cancer would be my thoughts. If you cannot get a professional state vet necropsy which is the best way to get a diagnosis, then a home necropsy where you can take pictures of the major organs to post here, would be the next best thing. If you still have the body, you can do one with a sharp knife and pair of scissors. Here is a video of a more complicated vet necropsy, but it has the major organs labeled:

Sorry for your loss. Something that would cause rapid weight loss would be cancer, but a crop or gizzard issue, or heavy worm problem might also be a problem. Cancer would be my thoughts. If you cannot get a professional state vet necropsy which is the best way to get a diagnosis, then a home necropsy where you can take pictures of the major organs to post here, would be the next best thing. If you still have the body, you can do one with a sharp knife and pair of scissors. Here is a video of a more complicated vet necropsy, but it has the major organs labeled:

It was a gizzard issue unfortunately his stomach was full of food

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