my silkie cockerel attacks my 11 year old


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2015
my young silkie sold to me as unsexed (may be a cockerel) just ran up to my 11 year old and pecked her so hard it was bleeding. Then tonight she was just picking it up to put it in the hutch and it started to chase her down the path in even tried to leap at her then it had a cockfight with our millfleur pekin cockerel.
What should I do?
Why is it doing this?
it is trying to establish dominance over her and the other, have her hold it by the feet and don't let go, he will flop around for a bit but then give up after he stays still a bit then she can let him go but he has to know that she is dom. over him, another one is to chase him around with one arm low to the ground and dropping that shoulder to that arm as well, doing this is similar to the rooster dance they use to gather their hens and to show dom. I have used the first but many have had luck with the second even if it looks silly it does the trick.
beware, because often this aggressive behavior will be repeated towards her or someone else. There is a real possibility that this bird will need to be culled.

Mrs K
Yep, be careful especially if younger children come around..

My roo growing up was a bada$$ but didnt mess with me or other adults. Dogs in the area knew nt to come near him or the hens.

But after a while he went after our neighbors kids twice and I had to pen him up.
beware, because often this aggressive behavior will be repeated towards her or someone else. There is a real possibility that this bird will need to be culled.

Mrs K

This happened with my beloved Braveheart. He grew into a mean old roo...he came after me a lot. I had an 18 month old baby who LOVED chasing chickens. Though I loved my Brave roo, I had to give him to mom for soup (I could not bare to eat him). I knew I couldn't live with myself if he attacked and injured my toddler.
Im sorry to say but he may have to be culled as others were saying. I keep my chickens with a real nasty rooster, he's not mine so I can't do anything about it, but if he was mine he would be culled in a second. All those "dominance" tricks are just temporary. If I try and exhibit dominance over him, he will back off, but then the next day be nasty again.

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