My year old hen named poachie has been missing feathers around her but/vent for a few months and it’s kind of red maybe swollen


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2023
I’m a first time chicken owner going into my first year. At first I thought this was her molting, but I’m starting to feel unsure.

1.)She’s a one year old Rhode Island Red she’s a little bit smaller and thinner than the others ( not by much though and she’s always been a littler smaller

2.) she’s acting normal in fact she’s very friendly and will peck at you to be picked up held or pet and eats normal.

3.) the butt and vent area has been missing feathers as well as looking red for several months

4.) all of my other hens have been fine and are not exhibiting the same symptoms

5.) no bleeding or injury around the vent and butt. It is red and missing feathers that have not grown back.

6.) I thought she was possibly molting but I’m a little unsure if this is molting at this point. Maybe someone with more experience can tell me if this looks like molting or some sort of skin problem

7.) she drinks water that I change daily and eats purina organic layer feed.

8.)poop is normal

9.) I have done no treatments so far.

10.) I would like to treat this myself if possible.

12.) for bedding I put down a layer of food grade DE and then lay down fine pine shavings from tractor supply.


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Looks like vent gleet to me. I'd suggest bathing her and cleaning the area with warm water. I'd also apply anti-fungal creams that are used for athlete’s feet, apply twice daily to the vent area for 14 days. I'd also give her antibiotics and give the coop/living area a thorough clean and provide fresh food and water everyday. Discard anything that is moldy/not fresh as thats the main cause of this. Hope this helps :)
I looked into vent gleet and this doesn’t really look like it to me. There’s never been any discharge and she lays eggs regularly. She is also free range and only ever spends time in the coop to sleep or lay.


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It is probably feather picking. There are a few feather shafts growing in, and I would watch for who might be doing the feather picking. Are you feeding enough protein, and do you have enough room? Are they getting out to free range? Pinless peepers can be used on the one chicken doing the pecking.

It is probably feather picking. There are a few feather shafts growing in, and I would watch for who might be doing the feather picking. Are you feeding enough protein, and do you have enough room? Are they getting out to free range? Pinless peepers can be used on the one chicken doing the pecking.
I feed them this stuff and they have a ton of space. More than they need 4 chickens in a coop for 4 chickens. I just got a grow out coop and I’m adding 4 more to the flock.
Sometimes they will pick feathers while hanging out on the roost. I have seen a few just sit there and let them do it. Game cameras inside the coop might shed some light on that. Sometimes a bad tasting cream or ointment can help prevent picking. Pine tar, Nustock Cream, and some other creams might help. The pinless peepers work by not letting the pecker see her victim clearly, but they can see to eat, drink, and get around well. They sell those online.
I have a girl with almost the same issue, but her skin isn't red. She has had a problem with turds sticking to her bum, so I snipped the poo balls off months ago (since then I've been washing her bum because I thought I caused the bareness by snipping too much).... The feathers just aren't growing back. Maybe I'll try the pine tar...

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